Get Your Viral Crypto
Income and Promo System

by Build-It-Passive

To get your Affiliate Link for your personal page, just click below and pay $35 once via OxaPay.

You are then asked to Register for your own Page and send us your Name, Email and User IDs for Faucetpay, CoinPayz and OxaPay.

You can get your IDs right here, if you don't have them yet:

FaucetPay - - CoinPayz - - OxaPay

Get your OxaPay Referral ID and make yourself a $35 Oxa Payment Link

Your Affiliate Link is presented to you in reply to your Registration Message confirming your $35 Payment via OxaPay.

A written report is sent to your email so you can start earning $35 right away, many times over, and receive it directly in your own OxaPay Account each time!

To make the $35 Payment and receive
your personal link, click right here:

The Viral Crypto Income and Promo System

Your Affiliate Link to your personal web page gets created with the details we receive from you in this email ... please click to complete and send to get your Viral Crypto Income and Promo System registered in your own name ...

The Business Builder Group
Toronto, Ont. Canada